Planned Maintenance

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Maintenance Programmes

Our Maintenance Programme service combines a technical appraisal of the building fabric and services with the budget costs required for maintenance planning and strategic estate decision making. This typically delivers a 10-year forecast for an estate that could include multiple buildings and assets.

A maintenance programme provides a schedule of building elements describing the condition and any backlog repairs or replacement works needed to bring the estate into repair and then keep it maintained in the future. In addition to providing budget cost for each works item, a priority coding is assigned, to convey the risk of not undertaking or deferring works.

The Maintenance Programme is a powerful decision support tool, which allows a user to interrogate the maintenance data within it and consider the strategic, operational and financial risks involved for the estate.

Benefits of this service

  • Better financial planning.
  • Reduction of reactive unplanned repair works.
  • Reduction of operational disruption due to reactive works.
  • Overview of current condition issues.
  • Enables risk profiling of planned works.
  • Understanding the impacts on building occupiers.
  • Early warning of potential risks or operational disruption

Specific client requirements can vary greatly for each maintenance programme. An important element of our service is to understand the physical and commercial factors involved so an appropriate approach can be established. Such factors may include: Landlord and Tenant maintenance responsibilities; future plans for redevelopment, refurbishment or conversion; annual financial constraints.

Our Services

  • Internal and external building fabric appraisal
  • Building services appraisal with testing options
  • Utilising past client cost information
  • Advice on strategic maintenance planning and work procurement
  • Administration of maintenance, refurbishment/conversion and new build works

We have a highly experienced team and are able to assist you from the initial property inspections through to interrogating estate data and formulating expenditure within various risk and financial scenarios.

In addition, we have an extensive experience of managing the implementation of maintenance, refurbishment/conversion and new build works for our commercial and residential clients. Our client sectors include the automotive, healthcare, hotels, industrial & logistics, offices, residential, retail and student property.